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How to Determine the Right Lighting in Your Home

How to Determine the Right Lighting for Your Home

Give your home the spotlight it deserves.

The lighting in your home can make or break the way you feel in the comfort of your home. Depending on how much natural lighting your windows can bring in, it helps to work in alternative lighting to work at the benefit for safety, convenience, and overall feel in your home. Get inspired from these helpful tips on how to properly compliment your home by the perfect lighting.

Light Up Your Home

1. Ambient lighting

75% of a room’s light is typically from a general light source. This is your ambient lighting. Ambient lighting is important because it lights a room or hallway space to where you can see comfortably and not bumping into objects or worse yet, fall down the stairs. It helps to keep the colors in your light bulbs the same. Consider multiple ambient lighting for bigger or taller spaces to maximize light within areas that may be challenging to reach.

2. Focal or task lighting

Consider chandeliers, direct fixtures, down lights, pendant lighting or a hanging fixtures to provide specific and direct lighting for areas that need it. Task lighting works best over areas where people gather or work; basically areas where a brighter light is needed to increase focus or sight. This includes dining tables, end tables, kitchen counters, reading room, office desks, etc.

3. Variety and accents

Accent lighting is great for additional lighting decor or just to make a space that’s harder to reach a lot brighter. Try wall-mount fixtures, track lights, lamps, or directional recessed fixtures to accent artwork, occupy a blank wall, or have sitting in areas that could be used if needed additional lighting.

4. Exterior

Lighting outside your home is just as important as the inside. Outdoor lighting is to ensure safety and security reasons when dark outside. Lighting at the front door serves several purposes: it shows people where to enter, shows who’s at the door, and burglars are most likely not to break in when there’s a bright porch on. It also helps immensely to have lights in the driveway, garage, walkways and steps to give a direct path of where to safely walk when it’s dark out.

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